Photographer Platform
Photographers - welcome to the Good Miami Project. We are opening up the platform for you to submit photos you have taken of South Florida Non-Profits to be shared here. Please use the photo submission form to submit images and related captions and info. We are allowing for 3 images to start. If you have more images that you would like to contribute please contact us and we will be in touch to facilitate.
The Miami Foundation has an excellent directory which you can use as a starting point to find organizations that look interesting for you to photograph.
Non-profits (especially small ones) are usually very busy. Send an email to introduce yourself and say that you would like to help by providing your photography to them pro bono. Set up a phone call to learn more about the organization, what they need, and to schedule a shoot date.
Generally, getting photo releases for people you photograph is a good idea, especially if the organization plans on using the images in any of its marketing efforts. Often organizations will have already had releases signed (especially if they are working with children).